How do I spend my Coins effectively?
Don't upgrade things you barely use .
Don't just upgrade your Dinos. Upgrading Shots and unlocking Specials is also very important.
Upgrading only one particular Dino or Shot can be ineffective as the cost raises with every upgrade level
How do I use the Hidden Bomb or the Bomb Bundle?
Once you purchase either of these in the Upgrade shop, they will be on the ground when you begin a level. When you hit the bomb with a shot, they will explode and harm nearby Cavemen.
How do I defeat the Fire Cavemen?
With their torches, Fire Cavemen are strong and can defeat most Dinos with just one hit. Fortunately, the Ice Shot is an useful weapon against them. Once you hit Fire Cavemen with an Ice Shot, their torches will be extinguished, making them much weaker.
What does upgrading the Apple Tree do?
On the right side of your apple counter, you will see a button to upgrade the Apple Tree. Each upgrade will make you gain apples at a faster rate.
Upgrading your Apple Tree = earning more Apples in total.
I unlocked the Hidden Bomb, Bush, Poison Trap, Egg Protection, or Apple Boost. Where do I find it?
Unlocking these Specials means that you are now able to get them for Coins in the Upgrade Shop. You'll have to go to the Upgrade Shop and browse the special tab
Why do my Spitties die so quickly?
While Spitties' green saliva does a lot of damage to Cavemen, they don't have much health.
The best way to use a Spitty is together in a group with Raptors and Tricers. A Tricer will always move to the front of the group and take damage, leaving Spitty safe to blast Cavemen from a distance.
How can I stop Disguised Cavemen?
Dinos cannot attack Disguised Cavemen. They are only vulnerable to Shots. (Bombs and Hunks are very effective) When you see a Disguised Caveman, you should immediately focus your Shots on him.
How do I get more Mega Balls, Blizzards, or Meteor Storms?
These are unique: once you unlock them, you will have three of each. Sometimes you will earn more during battles or by completing Quests.
If you run out, you can recharge for Diamonds.
What can I use Diamonds for?
Diamonds have a number of uses:
Unlock new islands immediately
Recharge Mega Balls, Meteor Storms, and Blizzards
Unlock and upgrade premium Dinos like T-Rex Jr. and Rocky
Recharge lives
Make purchases in the Upgrade Shop
How do I unlock new islands?
There are two ways to gain access to new islands:
Wait until the Dinos can pull down the barricade
Gain instant access using Diamonds
How can I connect or disconnect from Facebook?
From the main menu, tap the Settings button (it looks like a cog wheel) in the lower left corner. The next menu that opens will have a button to connect or disconnect from Facebook.
Can I harm my own Dinos with my Shots?
Thankfully not! All Dinos will be protected against Shots no matter where you drop them.
How do I contact support?
Write to hello@pokokostudio.com
You can also email dinobash@tiltingpoint.com. If you send us an email, please include the following information:
Account name
Device model
OS version
How do I change the game language?
Dino Bash will use the language that your device is set to. If you change your language in your device's settings, Dino Bash will update.
We currently support English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian.
How can I disable the audio?
Tap the gear icon in the lower left corner of the main menu. This will open the Settings menu. Tap the music and sound icons to turn them on/off.
Will my data be saved cross-platform or if I uninstall?
If you connect your Facebook account to Dino Bash, your game data will be synced.
Medium health and attack. The Raptor is the best choice if Cavemen are close to the Egg as it will survive and deal a decent amount of damage.
Very high attack but low health. Spitties can deal a lot of damage but they should accompany a Dino with lots of health to protect it. Spitties are great against Fire Cavemen since they fire from a distance.
A low-cost Dino that is great at slowing down Cavemen and keeping them occupied. Don't rely on Snappies as your primary defense, though.
Tricer is a tank that has low attack but high health. Ideally used to protect Dinos that have high attack and low health. Place your Tricer at the very front of your wave of Dinos and be sure to replace it as soon as one dies.
Lowering his head and running across the screen, Rambo is best used against a wave of cavemen that have high attack but low health. Ideal against Fire Cavemen or Lancers. Never use him against tanks
with high health.
Stego is a ranged Dino like Spitty, but shoots high in the sky which allows it to target flying Cavemen. Stego is the only Dino that can hit front-shielded Cavemen since it can shoot above their shield.
The T-Rex
Very strong version of the Raptor, but very costly to use. The T-Rex strength is equivalent to more than four Raptors at once.
T-Rex Jr.
Smaller version of the T-Rex that can be bought with Diamonds earlier than the T-Rex is unlocked through gameplay.
A tank with very high health and decent attack. Costly to use, but worth it.
Rocky is Rambo's big brother. He's much stronger and can push away lots of cavemen as he runs across the battlefield. He will need quite some time before he has enough energy for his next attack.
Frosty is a distant relative of the Stego. His special skill is that he can throw ice rocks on the cavemen which extinguishes their torches, too. When a lot of Fire Cavemen are approaching at once, you will be happy to have Frosty on your side.
Mundane caveman with no special skills. There are four different strength levels of this neanderthal.