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privacy policy

Privacy Policy

pokoko Studio
helsingforserstrasse 21
10243 Berlin

This privacy policy applies to pokoko Studio UG (haftungsbeschränkt) and the game DINO BASH. 

DINO BASH may collect data to optimize the users experience. This data is strictly for the eyes of pokoko Studio and will not be given to third parties.

DINO BASH is using 3rd party services in order to collect data. Read more about these services below.   


Game Analytics

DINO BASH is using game analytics. Game analytics is a free service that enables pokoko Studio to improve their games, by collecting game relevant data. This data is can not be realted to a specific person. It will only be used by pokoko Studio. Read more about game analytics here:


Facebook Plugins

DINO BASH is using facebook connect to enable it's users to share their experience with their facebook friends. Once the user connects with facebook DINO BASH gets information about his friends. The connection to facebook will not automatically made with install of the app. Users can connect in the game. This is shown with a blue „f“ ralting to facebook and a clear message „connect to facebook.“

The service of faceook connect is opperated by

Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”).

Read more about usage of facebook plugins here:


Other platforms

DINO BASH is distributed over several platforms like the App Store of Apple or Google Play. These platforms may collect personal data once you visit them or download DINO BASH. Pokoko Studio has no control over the data that theses platforms may collect.



Pokoko Studio uses standard security practices, like encryption to protect your data.



DINO BASH can not allow you to access, amend and/or delete your data. However we do not store personally identifiable information.